What is the High School Equivalency Program?

The HSEP is an individualized approach to learning and education where our Intervention Specialist works with your student in order to help them attain their High School Equivalency Diploma (GED).

What does participation in this program look like?


Program Cost

As long as a student can qualify for the program, it is completely free of charge. A key aspect of qualification is a willingness to do the work required and to have a desire to earn their Equivalency Diploma. Also, students are expected to obtain and maintain a part-time job while enrolled in the program.


Time Commitment

Students that are enrolled in this program are generally expected to be at the Youth Center from 2:00-6:00pm on Tuesday and Thursdays in order to work on the course material. Students may also be expected to participate in additional programs and trips organized by the Youth Center.



Students are expected to represent the core values of the Youth Center, to be respectful, honest, and open-minded, all three all the time. Students should use these three guiding principles not just at the Youth Center, but everywhere they go. Students are also expected to complete volunteer work at the Youth Center, like cleaning, doing dishes, vacuuming, and other tasks assigned by Youth Center Staff.